Sample Business Letter:

Corporate Business letters should include the following information:

Your Company Letterhead

CONSULATE GENERAL OF    (Country of destination)    

RE:  Business Visa for      (Applicant’s name)   

This is to introduce  __(Applicant’s name)____ who is employed by  ____(Company)_____ as ___(Job title)____.  
(Describe the Nature of the U.S. company’s business)

_(Applicant’s name)____ will be going to _(Country of destination)    for business meetings. (Avoid these words: work, train, assist. Describe nature of business or activities to be conducted).
__(Applicant’s name)____  will be  visiting (inform name(s) and address(es) of company(ies) with which applicant is going to meet with).
(He/She) will be meeting with (Inform Name(s) of person(s) to be contacted in country of destination, phone number(s) and his/her/their functions in the company).

__(Applicant’s name)____plans to travel to _(Country of destination)   on _(date)_ and stay there until _(date)_. 

Based on our experience, we feel confident that __(Applicant’s name)____will maintain a high degree of integrity while in your country. With this in mind, our company will assume full  financial responsibility for (his/her) trip and insure (him/her) a round-trip transportation to and from _(Country of destination)   , as well as all local expenses.

 __(Applicant’s name)___  will provide no technical services and has no intention to immigrate to _(Country of destination)   .

Should you need any additional information, please feel free to contact me at __(Contact ph#/email)__.


(Original signature with pen)